Saturday, 12 March 2016

The story of Moses and the Prophet Harun AS Part 6

Moses asked for directions to his Lord, then Allah ordered him to tell his people to slaughter a cow. Originally established that the Prophet Moses was commanded to slaughter a cow for the first time they met, but because of their stubbornness, they began to bargain and negotiate with Moses. They alleged that Musa was mocking them and were not serious about the issues they face. Moses refuge in Allah and ask Him in order not to be classed with those stupid, let alone intended to mock them. Moses sought to give sense to them that the key of the problem can be solved by slaughtering cattle. The problem here is a matter of a miracle that did not relate to something that usually happens in life or something commonly done by humans. There is no relationship between slaughtering cows and businesses know the killer. However, when the causes rational able to subdue the Children of Israel? Incredible miracle is the key and apply a common weapon in the life of the Children of Israel. Therefore, the resolution of the case by way of slaughter cattle should not cause turmoil and anxiety. But, the Children of Israel are the Children of Israel. Often the association and relationship with them ending with an attitude of defiance. both with regard to issues of common every day life as well as issues related to faith are important.

Moses faced various forms of examinations and accusations from the Children of Israel. Moses sought to give sense to them that he is serious to resolve their cases and do not intend to mock them. Musa reiterated that in order to resolve it, they have to slaughter cows. The distinctive character of the Children of Israel rise to the surface. They asked if it was a regular cattle as they encountered or his other creations have privileges. They expect Moses to inquire of the Lord sehing-ga it became clear to them.

Moses prayed to his Lord. Then they get into trouble where the cows that should be easy they found, they are now getting very complicated criteria cow, that cow neither old nor too young, that is mediocre. Such is the divine order. But again negotiations are still ongoing. Then they put strange questions: what color the cow, why Moses did not pray to his Lord and describes the color of this cow. Thus, they do not show politeness and respect to God and to His glorious prophet. They should obey the orders and not ask of all sorts, but they are in fact questioned this simple problem with an attitude of defiance and stubbornness.

Again Moses asked his Lord and tell about the color of the cow in question. Musa said that the cow was a yellow color invites admiration of onlookers. Such is the nature of the cow is determined where he yellow color is slightly reddish. While this issue is very clear, they again showed an attitude of defiance and stubbornness. Then Allah also tightened the terms of the cow as they tried to hurt the Prophet Moses. They again asked the Prophet Musa and asked him to pray to God and ask for an explanation of the nature of the cow, because for them the cow was still sketchy. Moses tells them that the cow was not prepared to plow their fields or to water; He cows healthy and not disabled; and the cow was actually yellow. Ending the defiance of their attitudes. They began looking for cattle in question which have a special nature of this. Finally, they found the cow was owned by an orphan. Then they buy and slaughter.

Moses holding the cow's tail and struck him to the people who were killed. Suddenly, the man rose from his death. Moses asked him about who killed him. Then he was told who killed him and he died again. Children of Israel witnessed the miracles of the dead man's livelihood. They listen with their own ears the name of the killer. Finally, the murder mystery was revealed.

Allah says:

"And (remember) when Musa said hepada his people: 'Verily Allah orders you to slaughter a cow.' They said: 'Do Hamu going to make us in mockery?' He said: I seek refuge in Allah from being one of those yangjahil. ' They said: 'Pray to your Lord for us, that He explained to us, heifer is it?' Moses replied: 'He says that the cow is a cow neither old nor too young; halfway between it; then do what you are told.' They said: 'Pray to your Lord for us that He explained to us what color.' Alusa replied: 'He says that the cow is a cow is yellow, the ocher color, pleasing to the beholders.' They said: 'Pray to your Lord for us that He explains to us how the nature of the cow, because in fact the cow was (still) sketchy for us and indeed we, God willing, will be guided (to get the cow). He said:' Lo! Allah says Bakwa the cow is a cow that has never been used to plow the earth nor to irrigate crops, unblemished, no spots. ' They said: 'Now then you explain the nature of the actual cows.' Then they slaughtered and almost they did not carry out the order. And (remember) when you killed a human beings against then you mutual recriminations about it. And Allah rid of what many have ye hide. We said, 'Hit him with part of it! ' Thus does Allah revive those who have died, and show you the signs of His power so that you understand. " (QS. Al-Baqarah: 67-73)

We would like to draw the reader's attention to a lack of ajarnya the prophet said to them and their God. And perhaps the context of the Qur'an mentioned it by showing the repetition of words rabbuka (Lord) they use when talking to Moses. Supposedly when they talk to Musasebagai polite form santunmereka said: Pray for us to our Lord, or they said to him: Pray for us to your Lord. With these words, as if belief in the divinity only trusted by Moses while they were out of the convenience-liaan servitude to Allah SWT. Consider these verses, how he suggests it. Then thought-kanlah ridicule them when they say: "Now then you explain the nature of the actual cows."

After they complicate and make their Prophet tired when pacing between meet them and meet Allah, after they make their Prophet annoyed with per-questions surrounding the nature of cattle, color, age, and signs Khu-ly; after their stubbornness and their disobedience to the commands of Allah, they said to the Prophet merekaketika he brought to them something that is rarely found, "Now then you meneranghan the actual nature of the cows."

It was as if Moses had previously played games with them and not serious, and as if what he said previously did not show the slightest truth. Then look at the context of the verse that shows their wickedness: "Then they slaughtered and almost they did not carry out the order."

Do not these verses will show you their stubbornness and their businesses slow down or delay the SWL Thus God commands the Israelites in attitude on the negotiating table; that is the way they negotiate with their noble prophet, Moses. Moses getting treatment harsh and disrespectful treatment of his people. Moses withstand the heavy burden of suffering when he preaches in the way of his Lord. Perhaps the main problem experienced by Moses was, that he was sent in the middle of the long enough to feel and enjoy the humiliation; they live long enough under restraint and stupidity. They have never felt the scent of freedom. They are long enough to worship idols. Children of Israel have tortured Musa with severe torment, where torture was not only the range of defiance and attitude of ignorance and idolatry, even they will not hesitate to hurt personal Moses.

Allah says in Surah al-Ahzab:

"O ye who believe, do not be like those who hurt Moses, the God cleanse it from the accusations they say. And is he a man who has a respectable position on the side of God." (QS. Al-Ahzab: 69)

We do not know the nature or form of business is hurt Moses. We do not agree with history scholars who say that Moses was a very shy man and he was very closed in which he did not want anyone to see the body. Then the Jews alleged that he had a skin disease or striped and Allah wants to heal and trying to ward off what they say. Told that one day Moses went to take a shower. He laid his clothes on a rock, and then he left. Suddenly, the rock flew and took his clothes. Moses ran behind a rock naked so that the children of Israel saw it naked. There was no sign of streaks on the skin. We strongly oppose such a story, because in addition he was just superstition, also very contradictory to honor Moses as a prophet and kemaksumannya. Perhaps the greatest suffering endured by Moses is, when the Children of Israel reluctant to go to war in order to spread the creed of monotheism in the earth, or at least not let this faith on the earth settled. Children of Israel against Moses efforts to fight by telling Moses, a famous sentence, namely:

"Go You and your Lord, and fight ye two, actually we just sit here alone." (Qur'an, al-Maidah: 24)

Such were the Children of Israel that Allah torment them by misleading them. They experienced straying over the full forty years. Then one generation destroyed; the generation that defeated from within. Then was born in the midst of apostasy was a new generation; a generation that has not been subject to idolatry; a generation that never paralyzed his spirit because of the loss of freedom; spiritually healthy generation; generation who do not understand why the parents around aimlessly in the middle of apostasy; generation ready to defend the dignity and glory; a generation that was not said to Moses, you are with your Lord go to war, while I'm just sitting here; generation who uphold the values ​​of truth as a form of defense against the monotheistic religions.

Finally, this generation was born in the midst of forty years of apostasy, but Moses had to undergo a fate Moses died peacefully and noble. Moses longed to see the "face" of Allah SWT. In his lifetime, has encouraged her love for Allah SWT allowed to see, and it became stronger encouragement upon his death. Prophet spoken by God is now met with His blessed soul and a calm heart.

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